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 Proven Leader,
 Dedicated Changemaker 

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Dear neighbors and friends,



I'm Odessa Sanchez, and I'm known to be a proud grandmother, coach, teacher's aid, and dedicated volunteer. 


My family and I have established deep roots in Wellesley for the last 16 years. I'm excited and more enthusiastic than ever to announce my intent to run for the open seat on the Select Board. My passion for town service is evident with everything I do and show-up for. 


Serving our community is not just a privilege but a responsibility. Whether it's something as small as carpooling residents to public meetings, my role as chair of the Wellesley Housing Authority Board, sitting on Town Meeting ( Precinct E) , or my tireless work on several other committees and organizations, I live to make a positive impact on our community. I care deeply about what makes Wellesley run more efficiently and the people and places that keep our town together. I'm excited to have engaging dialogues with the people of our community and will make myself available to all interested minds who have that same goal. Let's share our viewpoints for a Wellesley future we all can have an active role in! Wellesley can be everything we know and more. I would represent our town in a way that explores many different ways to lead, and develop how we grow as a town and as individuals, who want the best for themselves and their communities.




I would be deeply honored to represent Wellesley on the Select Board, and I humbly ask you to vote for me on March 4th, 2025. 




  If you share my passion for diversifying town government, if your interested in researching my work and proven dedication,contact my campaign and sign up to join my team. We're in this together- Team Odessa needs you! Reach out and share your thoughts! â€‹




I'm happy to hear from you,


Odessa Sanchez 



Precinct E Town Meeting Member

Wellesley Housing Authority Board-Chair

Wellesley Historical Commission

MW Commission on the Status of Women -Legistlative Chair



Donna Ticchi

" I believe that our Select Board would benefit from another change over the next three years, and that is the change that Odessa Sanchez would bring..."
"She is a champion of the rights of all and especially the most vulnerable in our town..."
Recap Odessa's Candidates Night. Search the blogs for how Odessa responds to the questions voters are asking!

Odessa Sanchez 
Wellesley Select Board Candidate

Dear Friends,


I am asking for all Wellesley voters to 

show up this March and Elect me to the  Select Board.


The strength in my candidacy is my astonishing track record of dedicated service, involved responsiveness to constitute needs and a history of

community advocacy in Wellesley for the last 16 years. For example, I'm proud of my work as Chair of the Wellesley Housing Authority Board, Town Meeting Member, Historical Commission member, League of Women Voters Wellesley- Nomination Committee, D.E.I. Taskforce member, Wellesley Women's Initiatives Committee, Wellesley Civil Discourse Participant, and many other contributions to strive to improve the quality of life for all in Wellesley.


I always work hard to contribute to positive progress in town through my service and I am not finished yet. If I am elected, you can be certain that, I will continue to seek ways to improve our community each day.


     In fulfilling this mission, I'm committed to the following priorities:


  • Engaging with residents to include neighborhood feedback on any zoning or housing options.

  • Advocating for our most vulnerable citizens and encourage fair, open-minded solutions to new and age old challenges.

  • Addressing major development and growth issues, such as promoting safe and smart zoning and the preservation of our historic properties.

  • Guarding the interests of our youth population, protecting their safety and well-being. Promoting active lifestyles through fitness and mentorship

  • Assisting business growth and economic development with innovative strategies that include sectors of community that are often overlooked or disadvantaged.

  • Improving the town's mobility and transportation landscape, including making Wellesley even more " walkable" and address bike issues.

  • Celebrating our town treasures, the dedicated men, women and families who represent our Veterans community.

  • Support budget and policy initiatives that support our schools without neglecting the impact to our age strong and general population.

  • Advocating and offering recommendations regarding policies that will improve access to opportunities and equality for girls and women in our town as well as statewide. 


My message of local government lacking diversity in Leadership, is not a criticism, it's a welcomed challenge. I feel confident the voters in town believe that a town cannot be truly 'welcoming' while leadership roles are eluded from being held by people of diverse ethnicities. 


Once again thank you all, and remember all of the candidates that really speak to your vision of making Wellesley a better community,  and then help them succeed in those efforts. 


I am excited to run for office and I ask for your vote and support on
Tuesday, March 4th.


Odessa Sanchez â€‹

Assistant Teacher /Cheer Coach

Wellesley Housing Authority Board-Chair

Precinct E Town Meeting Member

Wellesley Historical Commission

Town D.E.I. Taskforce 

League of Women Voters Wellesley-Nomination Comm

Massachusetts Commission on The Status of Women-Legislative Chair

Start Video at 8.29


One of the primary responsibilities of the Select Board is to oversee the town budget. I would bring financial common sense to the board, as I have direct experience volunteering on multiple boards that collaborate with each other and the Select Board to present a balanced budget to the town each year. Wellesley has many resources, and we are fortunate with our revenues. Taxpayers want responsible elected officials who avoid overspending for the future of Wellesley & understand the compromises necessary to make sound decisions today.


 I am the Chair of the Wellesley Housing Authority Board, and appointed to the town's D.E.I. Taskforce. I work with families who have experienced housing instability.  Housing is at the intersection of everything I care about in Wellesley. From the environment, to transportation, to equity. The town has a legal obligation to be fair with housing and there were recent laws that the State introduced to cities and towns regarding MBTA Communities' Compliance. As a housing advocate, and a supporter of policy, I believe new housing should be developed, but I also feel housing options can be strategically spread throughout town, and not just concentrated solely in a small business zoned district. Abutter input is a part of fair and equitable housing conversations. 



Our small business community is alive and thriving, evident by the increase of new business openings. I see a future for Wellesley to create a vibrant Downtown area, of which would be visited widely, and business districts that boom with energy, with pedestrian-friendly traffic patterns and designated resting spots. Town government should make sure businesses have the tools to not only survive but also surpass imaginations. I also support the many non-profits and youth originations in town, who partner with businesses and make the town more accessible to all.

ENGAGING THE COMMUNITY and keeping wellesley safe

I am committed to being an active member of the Wellesley Community, which is indicated by my years of participation as an elected, appointed, and volunteer committee member. I am also known for being an outspoken advocate for protecting the rights and wellness of our community. I am tuned in to the needs of our neighbors, and I'm ready to listen and help make determinations that benefit the people, and not just to serve myself.

  News and Events  

Odessa in the Community


Melanie Kelly

Svea & Scott Fraser


  • Oscar Sanchez Shiloh White

  • Jayla Glover Isis Glover

  • Shamus Miller Anthony Mullin

  • Joe Roberts Kate Yen

  • James Roberti Donna Marie Ticchi

  • Neily Soto Shari & Kevin Johnson

  • Sandy Seifert Melanie Kelly

  • Linda Champion Heather Hamilton

  • Raj Dhanda Christopher Spagnuolo

  • Jean Walsh Scott & Svea Fraser

  • Frank & Susan Pinto Bruce Franco

  • Marie Taylor & Dick Teneyck

  • Bill & Sylvia Hahn-Griffiths

  • Eliot & Jan Putnam Jim Rodrigue

  • Chistine Crowley Mike & Peggy Gigante

  • Donna Ticchi

Committee and Supporters Acknowledgements
to Elect Odessa Sanchez

   Click on an Envelope to Read Endorsements from Wellesley Voters!   


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 VOTE March 4th!
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